Revo |
Series 5mx |
Series 7 |
Take a good hard look at the wallpaper opposite. Now describe it… wrinkly you say?! You’d be right! – Give you’re Psion a few creases…
Mouse : 08/07/01

Revo |
Series 5mx |
Series 7 |
This is the first of a load of random patterned wallpapers. Apparently this one is based on ‘calico’ – a fabric of some sorts, I’m lead to believe. Well you won’t be catchin’ me wearing anything like this!
Mouse : 08/07/01

Revo |
Series 5mx |
Series 7 |
Cold Deer
A cute deer out in the cold. Will you give your Series 5 up to this sweet furry animal? Go on, support our wildlife!
Mouse : 08/07/01

Revo |
Series 5mx |
Series 7 |
Data Stalker
Dont let this cute critter’s looks fool you. This guy will destroy the Psion data he acan get his hands on. This is the rare breed of datastalker!
Mouse : 08/07/01

Revo |
Series 5mx |
Series 7 |
Germ Warfare
Our enemies aren’t the sort we can fire bullets at of drop the odd missile on, theyre right under our noses - germs. Do a bit of germ warfare man!
Mouse : 08/07/01

Revo |
Series 5mx |
Series 7 |
Mac OS
They say Apple users like Psions. Well the proof of the pudding is in the eating. The traditional macOS wallpaper which proves just how much greener the grass is on the other side.
Inertia : 08/07/01

Revo |
Series 5mx |
Series 7 |
My Bathroom
My Bathroom ey? Well I can assure you that you wont be finding me naked anywhere around.
Mouse : 08/07/01

Revo |
Series 5mx |
Series 7 |
Not much good if you have a three…but then you won’t be able to have a wallpaper anyway. [Support the 3 - Inertia] Not that that’s a bad thing. [Better…]
Mouse : 08/07/01

Revo |
Series 5mx |
Series 7 |
The manditory company wallpaper. I think on every website I’ve been to they have the company wallpaper. - We couldn’t let you down, could we now…
Inertia : 08/07/01

Revo |
Series 5mx |
Series 7 |
You mean to say you didn’t know Psions were radioactive? You should watch where your putting that man. You never know what could happen.
Mouse : 08/07/01

Revo |
Series 5mx |
Series 7 |
Signal Loss
Is your Series 5mx’s TV card playing up again? I told you, you shouldn’t push you Psion too far. There are somethings its just not capeable of! - Signal Loss
Mouse : 08/07/01

Revo |
Series 5mx |
Series 7 |
Power in your palm? Now is that your palm that has the power or is it the Series 5mx your clutching. Think about it - you dont want people to get the impression that you hold your brain in your hand.
Mouse : 08/07/01

Revo |
Series 5mx |
Series 7 |
OK. So this time I really can’t think of a random comment which links this wallpaper to its name – ‘Termites’. If anyone has any offers… please pass them on!
Mouse : 08/07/01

Revo |
Series 5mx |
Series 7 |
They say aliens may be a figment of our imagination. Well, if your Psion has an imagination, try this wallpaper…you may never look at it in the same way again…
delusional : 08/07/01